Your Union is YOU!
Our union belongs to the members. As a member of Local #145, you have many rights of membership:
- You have the right to attend union meetings and to express your views at those meetings.
- You have the right to vote on labor contracts affecting your employment, which become legal and binding.
- You have the right to vote on dues issues.
- You have the right to be provided a copy of the labor contract that you are working under.
- You have the right to nominate candidates to run for Union Offices, as well as run for Union office.
Union Meetings
You are encouraged to actively participate in your labor union. Local #145 conducts bi-monthly union meetings at 7:00pm the second Friday of the odd months.
At the monthly meetings the financial condition of the local, the local regular business of the local and information regarding construction projects and stationary operations employing members is presented.
Open discussion among the members and Local #145 staff is promoted.
Union Structure
Local #145’s chief executive officer is the Business Manager. The Business Manager is in charge of the day to day operations of the local, labor contract negotiations. The Business Manager is elected by the members.
Election of officers is held every three years. The Business Manager, President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, and four Executive Board Members are elected and comprise the Executive Board.
The Executive Board meets monthly to review the business of the local union and to take action on recommendations made by the members at the union meetings.
The members also vote for three Finance Committee Members, Inside Guard, and three Plumbing Examining Board and Pipefitting Board Members.
Job Placement – The Out of Work List
When your employment with a local #145 contractor is terminated, you should immediately register your name on the Out-Of-Work list. You may register in person or by email. If you register by email, you must have your name, your trade (plumber, pipefitter, apprentice, metal trades) and a statement such as “please register me on the Out-Of-Work-List”. You must be unemployed before you email your request.
Names are placed on the Out-Of-Work list in the order they are received, and only when dues are paid current through the month requesting to be placed on the list, and you have a ‘current’ status on drug screening. Once on the out-of-work-list, journeymen can call the job line to learn about current manpower calls and reach out to dispatch for any they are interested in. For apprentices and pipe tradesmen, if there is a manpower call and you are on the out-of-work list, you will be called to be informed of the job.
Call by Name
The employer retains the right to hire applicants for unemployment and in addition, the employer may request, by name, any applicant registered with the Union, whether or not that applicant had worked for the employer previously. This shall be allowed on a fifty percent (50%) basis, that is, the first (1st) person can be called by name without restriction to their position on the Union list. The second (2nd) person hired shall be from the Union list. This may be repeated on a fifty percent (50%) basis.
Colorado Unemployment
If you become unemployed, first get on the Out-Of-Work list, second apply for unemployment. There are two ways to do this, either by phone 1-800-388-5515, or online at
If you do not have a computer, we will be glad to let you use a computer at the hall and help you.
In order to claim “union attached status”, you must be registered on the Out-Of-Work list. Union attached status means the union is finding work for you, and you don’t have to look for work yourself.